You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.3. Inventory - Purchase Order Creation > Maintaining the Purchase Order Creation Header > Purchase Order Creation Header - Inquiry
Purchase Order Creation Header - Inquiry

Use this option to display the Supplier Inquiry screen for this supplier, or to inquire on inter-branch purchase orders for this supplier.

  1. Display the Purchase Order Creation - Header screen.

Refer to "Maintaining the Purchase Order Creation Header".

  1. To perform a supplier inquiry, select INQUIRY | SUPPLIER.

Micronet displays the Supplier Inquiry screen from which you can conduct many different inquiries on the supplier.

This is the same screen you access via the Sales Desk Inquiries program (refer to "Sales Desk Inquiries - Supplier").

  1. If your company is setup for Inter Company Trading (ICT) and you want to inquire on purchase orders for this supplier (i.e. Head Office), select INQUIRY | INTER BRANCH INQUIRY.


Technical Tip

This option is only enabled if the Manual Processing of PO's field on the IBT Configuration screen is set to Yes – refer to "Setting up IBT / ICT".

Micronet displays the status of purchase order lines sent from your branch to Head Office.

  1. When you have finished your inquiry, close the inquiry screen.

Micronet redisplays the Purchase Order Creation - Header screen.